for my Junior High school team. Teams actually, there's an A,B, and C team. We played against one of our "rivals" (not really rivals because they suck), but they're school name is very much similar to ours. Maybe that's why. We're Beck, and their team is Beckendorff. They're the richest, and biggest school, and there's a lot of geeks and they also suck at sports, which is why we sometimes call them "Beckendork"
It was considered a big "game" so our cheerleaders and band went there. (They don't go to all the games). That was nice, made the game more lively and less boring.
The three teams played consecutively. Each quarter was 8 minutes. C team, then B team, etc. Worst to best.
C team won 14-0
B team won 14-0
A team won 28-0
As you can see, we slaughtered them. But that's not the point, the point is that it was a fun experience. I got to see a long lost friend of mine. He moved two years ago, then he moved back this year, going to Beckendorff. I didn't even recognize him when he was just standing there for 15 minutes, but then I thought... "Is that Garrett?" It was very wonderful to see someone I considered my best friend. He was "too cool'' and sat with some preppy/slutty/whatever mexican/hispanic girls. Well, that changed my view on him a little. Such bad taste. I told him, "bros before hoes".
I also got to see a couple people from Beck who moved to Beckendorff. Which was also very nice. Cracked some jokes, talking about other stuff, etc.
I haven't done one of these really "long and boring" posts about what's going on in my life for a while. Most of them have been about me getting banned from the forums, again, and again.
Well, to sum it all up: Went to see my school play in a football game for the first time. Met some old friends, had a good time.
EDIT 10-17-08: Princess Laurichella whatever has been banned. sheesh... this is the first time that I've banned anyone from posting on my userpage or my inbox or anything. This is the first time that I've ever deleted someone's comment. I hope I won't have to do it ever again.
Al Roker.